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Aesthetic care – Châteauguay

We are the artists behind your smile.

It's time to take a closer look at your mouth. There are often several observations we can make about your current prostheses.

  • Your mouth is hollow, and your lips are wrinkled.
  • Your teeth are gone, we don't see them anymore.
  • Wrinkles have appeared above your upper lip.
  • Your chin has progressed far too far, and your lips can no longer be seen as before.

Following the measurements taken to make your new dentures, we can restore the positioning of your teeth, give a new appearance to your lips for a more radiant and natural smile.

Your smile reflects your personality!
Denturologist Châteauguay


  • Training in precision prosthesis on hand-joint in 1995 with Yvan Lavallée d.d.
  • Training in Europe in Liechtenstein on the IVOCAP system for precision prostheses.
  • Advanced courses in PBS (bio-functional prosthetic system) with Marc Michaud d.d.
  • Training on mini-implants with Dr. Bernier.

We have completed several training courses that have given us a level of competence that allows us to create the best prostheses that are both visually pleasing and functional.

Dental Prosthetist Châteauguay